For the husband to successfully deal with
repeated challenges to his authority as leader of the home, he has to be
prepared to offer a consequence less pleasant than the embarrassment caused by
him communicating to his wife that he finds her behavior disrespectful. If
telling his wife that she is damaging their marriage through her disrespect is not
enough to adjust her behavior, it is time to deliver a less pleasant
consequence that will be more likely to cause a positive change.
The consequence you choose as the husband and
leader must be one which is effective in changing behavior. Some husbands
report success with consequences such as: no use of the family credit card for
a period of time; no “girls night out” for a limited period; extra house chores
for a limited time; no surfing the internet for a period of time. These “time
outs” from social and shopping activities provide much-needed stretches of
quite time (often sorely absent in most busy families) where both the husband
and wife can relax and spend time together investing in their marriage. Obviously,
banning the weekly “girls night out” will not prove too effective if the wife
doesn’t actually enjoy being out with her girlfriends and prefers to spend a
quiet evening at home. It is essential for the husband to choose a consequence
that matches the offense and the personality of the wife.
Since this blog is devoted to unearthing and
understanding the secrets of successful old-fashioned marriages, the most
obvious old-fashioned (and unpleasant) consequence cannot be ignored. Have you
noticed how respectful and loving the partners in old fashioned marriages are
towards each other? Have you noticed how they speak kindly to each other? Have
you noticed how they seem to enjoy touching each other? How is that kind of
tolerance and desire possible when you can see that the individuals do annoying
things that would drive you crazy? If
you like a challenge and want to explore this further on your own, don’t
continue to read this post. Simply spend some time investigating why the couples
who claim to be old fashioned and have been married for decades still seem so
in-love and happy to be around each other, and you will likely learn something
that may shock you.
Many old fashioned marriages share one common
consequence for wives who disrespect or disobey their husbands: good, old
fashioned spanking. That’s right! The husband spanks his beloved wife as a
punishment for her choices and as a deterrent from repeating the behavior that threatens
the integrity of the marriage. This course of action has a politically correct
name: domestic discipline. In marital domestic discipline, the wife submits to
the authority of her husband, and accepts corporal punishment of his choosing
when her husband deems it necessary.
Isn’t this an outrage? What right does a
husband have to discipline his wife? Those are topics we will explore in other
posts, so we won’t digress now. Whether or not a husband is entitled to tan his
wife’s naughty, naked butt is not nearly as captivating an idea as the fact
that this “barbaric” act seems to serve as part of the superglue that keeps old
fashioned marriages together decades after the marriage vows were exchanged. If
spanking is one of the hidden secrets of strong marriages, then its time to
bring this secret out into the open for further analysis. What do you think?